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Monday, June 30, 2014

Beach Baby

Hello World!

I wanted to share our short, but very sweet trip with you.  The picture below pretty much defines how we felt spending time with Puff and Briana on the beach (pure joy.) Harvey has been on EIGHT airplanes now.

Harvey and me

Here are a couple tips I have for my other traveling mamas out there.

- Babywearing!  I love that they let you walk straight through security wearing your little one.  I can even collapse my stroller by myself when Harvey is in the Ergo.

- Gate check your stoller (or stroller/carseat combo like I have.)  It's free!  

- Pack a new toy just for the plane. (Or an old one they haven't played with in a while)

- Snacks. And save them for the plane, even though it's tempting to use them during your 2 hour layover.  I bring Puffs for Harvey (His absolute favorite at the moment are banana cookies, but  they are messy so those are only for desperate measures ha)  

- Transfer your diaper bag into a backpack. 

-Accept some help from strangers.  Now I'm not going to pass my kid off to someone I don't know, but if someone offers to break down my stroller, give me an aisle seat or entertain my baby playing peek-a-boo a few minutes I'm going to accept it with a smile.  There are still some kind folks out there.

Harvey and me

Okay, so now it is time to begin the beach pix overload . . .

Harvey and me
Harvey & Puff
Harvey and me
Happy Boy
Harvey and me
Harvey & Briana
Harvey and me
Selfie with my favorite peeps.
Harvey and me
Harvey & Me
Harvey and me
So I will leave you with one of my favorites.  This is the face you get when you tell your baby not to eat sand.
Harvey and me

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A day in the life....

We wanted to share how lovely our Saturday was with everyone.   :)
Harvey and Me Courtney Adams
We started off bright and early at the Nashville farmer's market. We left with sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, honey (mommy's fav), eggs, cheese (hot pepper- Derek picked!) and green beans.  some fresh milled Sunday Morning Pancake Mix.  Harv loved the pancake samples and not to mention they are oh so healthy!  I can't wait to start making these for breakfast on Sunday mornings- just in time for Father's Day tomorrow.
Harvey and Me Courtney Adams
When we got home we decided to let our little water baby play in his kiddie pool.  He has been "singing" in a high pitched voice when he is happy lately.  I love hearing his little voice more and more.   Isn't his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hat too cute?!? We think so.
Harvey and Me Courtney Adams
Then he decided to do some exploring around the house.
Harvey and Me Courtney Adams
Dexter says Goodbye!
Harvey and Me Courtney Adams

Monday, June 9, 2014

Summer Baby!

I find myself taking so many pictures of Harvey on my iPhone.  I wanted to share some of my favorites from this month (too many to choose from, so I had to make a collage for you haha!)  I never thought I would become one of "those parents" whose Instagram turns into nothing but an online scrapbook for their baby.  Okay, well I hope I'm not that bad haha!  This 8 1/2 months has been flying by so fast.  Harvey has started army crawling all over the house.  Even though he doesn't do your typical crawling on his hands and knees, it is hard to keep up with the little monster- he is really fast!  He has also started pulling himself up and every morning we go into his room he is sitting up in his crib.  It seems like the next time I turn around he will be walking....  This is all happening too fast :'[ tear tear!

Harvey and me

If you didn't notice, I made the last line of photos some Harvey "bloopers" from the month. The first one is Harvey totally in love with a banana he is eating from his mesh feeder.  The last picture is when I let Harvey hold the puffs while shopping... Big mistake haha!  The second one is my all time favorite though- I love the ultimate grump face, I can't help it!

Harvey and me

Harvey has become quite the little water baby!  He loves swimming in Puff's pool.  We also have a kiddie pool in the back yard that we enjoy sitting in during the humid Nashville summer days.

Harvey and me
Harvey and me

Another one of Harvey's favorite summer activities is going to the zoo.  This weekend Daddy got to join us!  He loves riding in the ergo carrier, especially when it's on his Daddy's back. You can't see it in the elephant picture, but Harvey has a big grin on his face (it's hard to see the elephants in the distance!) We even got to pet a baby kangaroo.  Can't wait to see what other adventures this summer holds for our happy little family!